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The things I can do.

I know from personal experience that there are always little things going on with the home computer that aren't  quite right. I am happy to help out with these things as well as offering a repair service for the bigger issues that you may experience with your equipment. I can also give general advice about the use of all sorts of other digital equipment in your life such as tablets, smartphones, smartspeakers etc. There follows a list of examples of the services I can provide.  If the service you need is not listed, I might be able to help anyway, so please ask.

Repairs: Desktop/laptop/smartphone/tablet

Replacement of hard drives, screens, keyboards, etc. General fault-finding, hardware and software.


New Equipment

Advice on the purchase of new equipment depending upon your own particular requirements. Purchase and installation of new equipment including printers.



Installation of extra memory and hard disk capacity to prolong the life of your computer.

Home Networks and Broadband

Advice on the choice of broadband and the installation of internet and wireless networks within your home.


Setting up new email addresses or configuring new systems to use existing addresses. Advice on email usage.

Smartphones and Tablets

Advice on setting up and using your smartphone or tablet, both Android and Apple equipment.



Advice on how to use your computer to most advantage: this includes helping new users to take their first steps with things such as email, web-browsing, form-filling, online-shopping, simple spreadsheets and word processing, etc.

Virus removal and protection

Removal of viruses from your equipment and installation of anti-virus protection.


Advice on a backup strategy to make sure all your data is secure, and implementation thereof.



Advice on managing your digital photos: transfer from camera or phone to your computer, file and display locally, send to friends and relatives, keep them secure.

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